Be focused and make things easier.
Focus To-Do is an easy-to-use time and task management application that helps you to manage tasks anywhere and anytime, and helps you to perform tasks efficiently. Millions of users around the world use our application and have gained efficiency.

Based on the Pomodoro Technique
Set an execution time for the task, focus on the task until the end of the time, the harvest is not only efficiency, but also the unexpected sense of accomplishment.

Collect and manage anything
You can use it to make plans for work and study, record shopping lists, set up birthday reminders or arrange your schedule. Focus To-Do can help you get everything done in life and work.

Historical statistics
Help you analyze the work time and the completion of the tasks, the time spent on work every day/week/month and the time ratio of your projects. Make time traceable.

Access from anywhere
Whether you are on a mobile phone, a computer or a tablet, you can record tasks or start a Pomodoro at anytime or anywhere.

Pomodoro TechniqueLet you concentrate on your work, finish your work efficiently, and say goodbye to the procrastinates
ReportRecord every bit of progress every day
Synchronize within all devicesSynchronize data between multiple devices
Due DateSet a due date so that no deadline is missed
RemindersAdd a reminder to make sure no task is forgotten
SubtaskSplit a task into small pieces.
RepeatFrequent tasks no longer need to be added each time
NoteAdd a note to make sure all information of the task is not missed